
Showing posts from February, 2024

Drug Abuse and Addiction Story - Coma Ten Days

 Heroin is a substance that contains opium, codeine and morphine. This drug does its damage through mental and physical dependency. Due to the compulsive use of Heroin, the addiction becomes so over-powering. The central nervous system (brain) is soon brought under the chemical's control. Once the Central Nervous System is operating under the influence of Heroin, or any other chemical controlled substance, the body becomes the drug's puppet. People lose control of their decision making. Most drug addicts have seen, as well as felt the pain that Heroin and other chemical controlled substances have brought upon families, communities, schools, and personal lives. Help me free people from the chains and bondage of opium, codeine, and morphine. Our world is so violence filled due to the use and abuse of illegal controlled substances. Now that we all have seen and heard how sick the land is, let's draw nigh one to the other, and strengthen our war on drug abuse. We all know this